Care For Rabbits

Before deciding to get a rabbit for a pet, please put into consideration their long life expectancy. If you are prepared then you will be rewarded with a wonderful companion.
So read on for the care of your rabbit -

Life span - 5-15 years (Varies on breeds, Dwarf rabbits tend to have a shorter life span)

Litter training -
Confinement (1-2 weeks) in a small space with a litter tray (cat tray). Paper based litter is advised

Housing - Bigger the better (if space allows), a 30" by 36" double story cage (flat base, with litter tray inside) to house a single rabbit and also half a day of freedom (running around in the house).

Bedding - No pine or cedar (Like all small animals). Hay or aspen make good bedding for them or a fleece blanket (make sure your rabbit don't eat it)

Food - On the shelf rabbit pellets with unlimited amount of hay and 30-40% of fresh vegetables, fresh water everyday.

Grooming -
Daily brushing for long coat, once every 3 days for short coat, regular brushing is advised as it keeps their coat in tip top condition and prevents hairballs. Nail trimming is to be done on a weekly basis.

For more pictures and information about rabbits (breeding) and my pets available for sale please visit my Website