Care for Fat Tailed Gerbils (Duprasi)

Other Names - Fat tailed jird,Fat tailed rat,Beer mat gerbil
Origin -  Fat-tailed gerbils are originally found in the Northern Sahara (North-western Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria). There they live in sparsely vegetated sand sheets or rocky deserts. Fat-tailed gerbil live in the wild in simple burrows about 1 meter deep in hard sandy soil.

Life span - 4-8years (14-15cm with tail)

Character - Fat tail gerbils are the most docile species of the gerbil species, they are very social,can live in groups and also live alone. They are social with us and they rarely bite.They tend to sleep most of the time(only active for short time) and they are real deep sleepers.

Housing and Bedding - Housing them (alone or in groups of the same sex) in aquarium tanks is advised, a 60cm by 40cm tank to house a pair. They really like to dig so a thick layer of bedding(wood shavings or lots of hay) will be fine, and same like all small animals NO CEDAR OR PINE.A regular sand bath will prevent their fur from being oily.

Food - On the shelf gerbil mix ,10% of fruits and vegetables(carrots,cauliflower,apples),mealworms,crickets and moth.   

For more pictures, information and availability of small animals pls feel free to visit my website